How To Schedule A Reading
Go to the Contact Tab on the top right and send me a note with your birth info. Also please read the types of readings I offer below. There is generally a 1-2 week wait/preparation time. Exceptions are made for emergency or rush readings.
Personal Readings
This is the most popular Reading. Your personal astrology reading is prepared using your date of birth, where you were born, and exact time of birth. The exact time should be on your birth certificate. You may obtain a copy of your birth certificate by writing to the Bureau of Vital Records in the city of your birth and requesting a "Complete" birth certificate. If you cannot obtain the time, See ‘Rectified Charts’ below and consider a rectification. I can work up a rectified chart based on a list of specific important past events in your life.
Your astrology reading will consist of an overview of your birth chart, a review of the current events in your life, and an overview of the upcoming months up to one year. Please bring up any specific areas you would like to discuss during your reading when we set up the reading. These may be any topics related to events in your life, either past, present or future. I use many of the standard astrological techniques in preparation for your reading including: transits, progressions, solar arc directions, solar returns, lunar returns (Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn returns may be used as well, depending on your current circumstances) planetary pictures/midpoints, eclipses, harmonic charts, astro*carto*graphy and more. (For a detailed astro*carto*graphy reading, please book a Relocation reading from the Specialized Readings section.)
Personal astrology readings are conducted via telephone. You may request to have copies of the charts used to prepare your reading such as your natal chart, progressed charts, solar returns, transit lists etc. If you are an astrology student or just know the basics of astrology and planetary cycles, I can also explain the techniques as they apply to your chart during your reading. Readings run approximately 90 minutes. Payment in advance is required. $595
Please schedule your reading early. There are no 'same-day' clients except for Rush Readings. All readings are scheduled approximately 1-2 weeks after payment is received. If you need a Rush reading (scheduled five days or less in advance) this will include a surcharge of $85.
Emergency Readings - Need your reading right away? If possible, I may be able to give a reading on very short notice (24-48 hrs). Surcharge is $175.
Additional Chart
During your reading, I will look at an additional chart of someone about whom you'd like to get insight regarding romance, work health, a family issue etc. for an additional fee of $250. You must provide their birth data in advance of your session. If you'd like a complete relationship reading, see "Specialized Readings" below.
Update For Returning Clients
If you are a current client (already had a full private consultation with me), an update for the year ahead is $445 ($150 off).
Contact me for specialized on-call packages tailored to your needs over an extended period of time.
Follow Up Reading
A follow-up reading is for those who wish to clarify any issues discussed in their personal reading. This may be scheduled within 45 days of your initial reading. A follow-up reading can be done over the phone as well and runs forty-five minutes to one hour. $195.
Additional Year Add-On
Though I suggest looking only one year forward, you may add a look at your transits for an extra "year ahead" to your reading for $250 per additional year.
Horary Chart Readings
A horary chart is cast for the moment (hour= 'hor', thus 'horary') you ask an important question. This chart will reveal all the circumstances of your situation, and yield important information as to the outcome. For example, you could ask: Is this the right house to buy? or Will my boyfriend ever want to get married? or Where did I put the receipt? or Where is my daughter/cat/check book? or Which job should I take? Your horary chart will tell you! Keep track of the exact time you are mulling over this question and contact me. When I fully understand your question, I will draw up your horary chart. Once I examine the chart, we will go over it together by phone. Depending on the nature of the question, a horary chart reading take anywhere from 10 minutes to 30 minutes. $165. (Payment required in advance.)
** For more on Horary, go here: for a short video.
Retainer - Contact me for specialized on-call packages tailored to your needs over an extended period of time.
Specialized Readings
The following readings can be booked in addition to a personal reading, or as a focus for your reading. Most readings will touch upon many of these areas, but should you want detailed information on any one of these areas, consider a specialized reading.
Specialized Readings begin with an overview of your birth chart(s) or business charts in addition to the relocation, relationship, or electional focus of the rest of the reading. These readings run for approximately one hour and up to 75 to 90 minutes.
Please schedule your reading early. There are no 'same-day' clients. All readings are usually scheduled two weeks or more in advance. Rush readings (scheduled five or less days in advance) include a surcharge of $85.
Emergency Readings - Need your reading right away? If possible, I may be able to give a reading on very short notice (24-48 hrs) for a surcharge of $175.
Relationship Readings
A detailed look at two charts. Understand the dynamics between you and a partner, friend, family member or coworker. Suggestions are made on how to make the best of relationships under the influence of specific planetary relationships, and when to throw in the towel. Learn how to cope with difficult family members and overcome habitual family patterns. Synastry and Composite Charts are used. $750.
Business Relationship Readings
A detailed look at the charts of a couple or two people in a business partnership for the upcoming year. This includes an overview of the individual charts and composite chart in terms of the business and upcoming astrological cycles relating to finances as well as the timing for changes. $795.00
Astro*Carto*Graphy or Relocation
If you have been thinking about moving, I can help you to choose an optimal location to capitalize on a career, your home life, or social/love life, by reviewing your relocated chart in several different localities. A beautiful print of your chart on the world map is included. This can also be done for your yearly birthday (solar return) chart. $595.00
Electional Chart
Choose the best date & time to begin an enterprise, i.e., a business, marriage, get surgery, change career, move. $575.00
Dream Analysis
A dream or recurring dream analyzed in the context of your birth chart. This includes an overview of the influences in your chart and analysis of a dream or recurring dream. $455.00
Rectified Charts
Using a list or biography of key dates and events in your life (such as important life transitions, death of family member, change of occupation, etc.), I can rectify a chart for the time of your birth. There are a specific series of questions I have developed over the years to help me in this process. You will need to write or email me your answers as well as submit to me your 'key' dates and or time periods with events in your life. Rectifying a chart takes many hours of detailed work. It is my pleasure to endeavor on this task and recover the time of your birth. I have had tremendous success rectifying charts and my rectification thesis when I became Certified was used as an example of the caliber of work of American astrologers and shared Internationally. Most astrologers refuse to do rectifications, or charge prohibitive fees for them, so no one can afford them because they are extremely time consuming. They can take weeks to research and prepare. I really find the work enjoyable and it is very gratifying to be able to provide this to my clients. The fee for a chart rectification and a copy of your rectified chart depends on whether you have an approximate birth time, or no idea of your birth time.
· Approximate Birth Time Known within 1-2 hr. time span - $750
· Completely Unknown Birth Time / Full Rectification - $1,500
· With Forecast - Add in an upcoming year forecast based on your rectified chart, for a reduced fee of $495 (that's $100 off).
All readings require a minimum of 24 hours cancellation notice to reschedule. Sessions may be rescheduled but payment is non-refundable.